Friday, February 22, 2008

It don't take a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.

I find it interesting that certain administrators and students have pointed out the danger of having a group on campus called SDS (the predecessor to the Weather Underground) because of historical connotations, when no one really cares that Obama accepted campaign money from a former WU member, and (Bill) Clinton pardoned a WU member (best thing he did while president?).

I could be wrong though. Maybe someone will make a fuss of this in the weeks to come. Or maybe not, seeing as both candidates have some sort of ties to the WU.

Friday, February 8, 2008


Which is worse: a really bad hangover or a really bad cold with slight fever?

Monday, February 4, 2008

Domino's, part 2

Last Friday was a wretched shift. After some error on my part, some error on the driver's part, and general busy-ness for late night, I had deliveries leaving the store at 45 min. to an hour. I was pretty stressed and pretty pissed. After it was all over, I got this phone call:

*customer calls on private line, he sounds about 10 years old*
Me: Thanks for calling Domino's. This is Jason, how can I help you?
Caller: Yes, I'd like a cheeseburger for delivery, make it quick, no pickle I really want a cheeseburger, you got that? Make me a cheeseburger right now please....etc. (I let him go on for about 5 minutes, obviously a prank call)
Me: *farting sounds into phone*
Caller: What was that?
Me: I just took a shit on your burger, man.
Caller: Aww, that sucks.

It was fun. Usually I just hang up. I'm going to starting messing with the prank callers more often.

Super Bowl XLII

I. This was the third Super Bowl in a row I've had to work. As always, it was hectic. Actually that's an understatement. However, this was the first time I was able to Tivo the game, so I had something to look forward to after my shift. I managed to avoid hearing any news about the game, so I got to watch it without knowing what happened. I just finished. I've gotta say, that was some beautiful football. Amazing fourth quarter. My favorite play was in the 4th with one minute left and it looked like Eli was gonna get sacked but somehow he broke out and threw a 30-some yard completion.

II. My favorite Super Bowl commercials, ranked.

1. E-Trade #1 - baby buys stock, burps
2. E-Trade #2 - baby rents clown using profit from his portfolio
3. Coca-Cola - Congressmen Bill Frist and James Carville share a Coke and become friends
4. Sobe Life Water - a group of lizards do the Thriller dance
5. Amp Energy Drink -I don't even know how to explain this. It involves electricity and nipples.

Honorable Mentions - Hyundai Genesis, 50th Daytona 500, NFL's "SuperAd"

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Soulja Boy Tell 'Em has invaded all aspects of our culture.

Speaking of people who have weird musical tastes for their age (see previous post)-

I was shopping in Bloom last week at 11 PM. It was basically empty, except for one other family. A little girl who couldn't have been more than 7 was running around screaming "I just got my report card, all F's, I took it to my teacher told her to throw some D's on it."

Domino's, part 1 of many to come I'm sure

I. I have now been employed by Domino's Pizza for 2 full years.

II. Yesterday, I was the only one in the store when a middle-aged couple came in. They had some gray hairs and wore leather jackets. They were early and had to wait a few minutes before their pizzas were ready. I kept busy by making more pizzas and singing along to the CD I had playing, Diamond Days by Eric Bibb. Out of the corner of my eye I notice them dancing along to it. I glance over and notice them fully lip-locked. They continue to make out for like 5 minutes. Later, I start talking to them.

Woman: I'm taking this young gent over here to his first Norva show tonight.
Me: Who are you seeing?
Woman: This guy called Blaze Ya Dead Homie. The music is a cross between Ozzy and ICP.

Old people are nuts. I respect anyone who can throw down with the youngsters.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Stop harassing me.

I play chess online through the website Gameknot. Once a week I get the following e-mail:

Notice from GameKnot: It appears you are blocking some or all of the advertising on GameKnot (banner ads, pop-ups, etc.). As you probably know, the free accounts on GameKnot are supported by paid ads -- in other words, the advertisers are paying for the server resources and bandwidth used by your account, for the programmers who add new features and improvements, for the support staff, etc. etc.. Since you have blocked ads on your computer, there is no one left to pay for your account, so unfortunately we will not be able to continue to provide you with the free services any longer. Please subscribe to a premium membership, or allow all ads to be shown on our website. Thank you for your understanding.

If I am blocking anything, it is not a conscious effort. I do use Firefox, so they could be blocking some stuff. However, I've added to my allowed sites for pop-ups. Yet, I still receive these messages on a regular basis. Not to mention, I do see the ads on the site. For instance, one ad informs me that if my site links to GameKnot, I could receive a premium membership for free! Wait, I just linked to Gameknot above. So give me a free membership and stop sending me stupid e-mails.

PS. If you are also on Gameknot, my handle is JabYerWocky. Challenge me to a game.

These are a few of my favorite things, part 1

Turn your keyboard upside down and bang it against the table. See how much dirt, dust, food particles, etc. falls out. This always leaves me extremely satisfied.

Microsoft has a comic?!

Microsoft, of all people*, has debuted a new superhero comic. It is called Heroes Happen Here. The superheroes? IT professionals, of course. Interestingly, it is written by Jordan Gorfinkel, a DC comics editor whose fame in the comics world stems from his revitalization of the Batman series in the 1990's. The comic began this past Monday and will run until June 28th. One recurring character is Lord Firewall, who "stands between chaos and order." Readers are encouraged to submit their own IT experiences, which may be worked into a story arc for the strip.

I'm not too enthusiastic about this comic, but we'll see. For one, there will certainly be a pro-Microsoft bias, eliminating 99% of user-submitted stories. Also, in order to view the comic's archives, one has to download Microsoft Silverlight. Another example of Microsoft making things harder than necessary.

*Microsoft is obviously not a person or a people. More like an evil. It just didn't sound right any other way.