Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Unholy matrimony

I'm feeling too lazy to summarize or comment much on the article I want to post, but here are some quickies:

1. The statistic for number of moms who have cheated on their husbands is ridiculously high. And I want in on some-a that.
2. "Low desire in men is America's best-kept secret."
3. "As the Hook-Up Generation grows up and gets married, chances are affairs may even go mainstream."


Anonymous said...

i think it would probably be better if no one ever got married. human life is more sustainable if everyone feels some degree of responsibility for all of it. plus, who wants to feel guilty about fucking who they want, when they want, when they're unfulfilled sexually? i'm not saying anything original, but marriage is just an arm of our outdated capitalist system that makes everyone really uptight.

Jason Cutler said...

From a political perspective, you are right. Marriage is a useless institution (although I don't know that it has anything to do with capitalism, it has to do with the Church and government-sponsored religion (holy matrimony))

From a sexual perspective, marriage is pretty sweet because without it, true affairs wouldn't exist. And affairs are sexy. Which was the main point of posting the article.

Anonymous said...

well, true, but only between sexy people. for example, mcnulty's affairs in the wire? always hot. diane lane and olivier martinez in unfaithful? still hot. but i dislike the idea of ugly married people having affairs with other ugly people (read: bill clinton in his mcdonald's phase with linda tripp et. al.).

Jason Cutler said...

Ugly people have the same basic human rights as us pretty people, including the right to have an affair. True it may not be too pleasing to the eyes, but that's why you don't watch.

Anonymous said...

haha but isn't the appeal of an affair the idea that it's forbidden in some way and, thus, not a right?